Honest Fashion
I’m one for experimenting and you can not scare me with a daring challenge. This yellow ultra creamy eye pencil is ideal to brighten up your day. Scared of this pop of colour? There are 14 other colours available for €9,90 a piece at Yves Rocher.
What’s up with the sudden interest in make-up? Well I’m trying to get back in the sweatshop free challenge for real now since I lost a bit track of it the past couple of months. Shopping consciously is one thing but first of all I have to shop less, maybe one year of no shopping is the thing I need (really thinking about that).
I’m off again to get some skating done at the seaside – the ultimate vacation – and I’ll be back soon!
P.S.: trying to wash my hair less but I have the feeling it’s really not working for me and now it looks greasy all the time, any tips?