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The single use plastic battle with Ecover

Holistic Health

ecover, statiegeld store, plastic, single use plastic

Single use plastic is already killing animals and is going to kill us one day if we don’t change our habits. Plastic is a genius invention but we are definitely using it wrongly, in huge quantities and mostly as a waste product.

Ecover is already known for their fight against single use plastic and wants to give back value to something that is now considered as trash. By introducing deposit money on PET bottles through a pop-up shop in Belgium they want to show that this single use plastic can serve another purpose.
From 15-17th of November Ecover is opening this physical shop in the Groendalstraat in Antwerpen where you can return your PET bottles for money.

Not sure yet why you should even bother about this? I curated the expo ‘Trash to treasure’ proving that there’s more that we can do to avoid all this bottles to end up either in sea or in the trash. Beautiful initiatives as EcoBirdy, Foekje Fleur and Go as U.R are showing their products that uplift plastic waste. Dirk van der Kooij is even making a PET coffee table for the Belgian parliament to start the conversation about this trashy situation.

Do visit the store and rethink your plastic use.

Thanks to Ecover and the people of Blyde for this fun collaboration!

ecover, statiegeld store, plastic, single use plastic ecover, statiegeld store, plastic, single use plastic ecover, statiegeld store, plastic, single use plastic ecover, statiegeld store, plastic, single use plastic

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