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My beauty ritual with Delbôve

Holistic Health

Delbove, beauty, natural, conscious, zero waste

I never really had a beauty ritual, the less effort it took the better. This all changed when my eczema flare-ups
emerged simultaneously with starting my first year of university. I hunted down every beauty brand that sold green concealer to cover up the redness (8 years ago it was almost non-existent). I became really insecure about showing some skin in winter but thank God for healing summer sunshine! The flare-ups calmed down but the eczema became more chronic, resulting in the most stubborn patches I ever encountered in both my neck and on my arms. Offcourse cortisone and other similar products helped me out a lot but about a year ago I decided to quit using those for my health and wellbeing.

I got to winter mostly crying to avoid scratching my skin to pieces and I never cursed so hard on choosing the ‘natural approach’. Nevertheless I found a lot of new ways to calm down the itch, ways that don’t damage my skin – I will sum them up later.

I already bumped into Delbôve a few times on my hunt for natural beauty products. But then again, I’m a freelancer and you can already imagine that my budget isn’t huge. But like all fairytales, faith helped a little hand and I was invited to a high tea with Gina, the current owner of Delbôve. Explaining me the importance of a beauty ritual and the philosophy of Delbôve, I realised I had been doing it all wrong. I was constantly switching products, using them on an off and most of the times – until recently – choosing way to crappy and cheap options. If there’s one thing for sure: beauty has a price. But it’s real beauty, and healthy beauty and not the synthetic kind you find on the high street that makes you break out without realising.

But this is no fairytale and also Delbôve was kind of a struggle for my skin. I react to everything depending on my mood, seasons, what I eat… I really have no clue but I’m sure my parents gifted me all these bad genes. A week after having a silky smooth – almost Kardashian-looking flawless skin, I got the worst breakout ever on my face. While my arms where healing really well my eyes looked like Shrek’s on a really bad hangover day. Thank God for all the Belgian holidays so I could recover during the long weekend.
After my skin calmed down I chose a softer approach. I started using the Eau Sourcière less often than recommended and I left the Ultra Sourcière unused for a few weeks. I slowly built up the ritual, emptying out the jar of Créme Sourcière way faster, but with a happy skin.

Now after almost 2 months I can say this definitly is the best beauty product ever! The Gel Perfection clears up my pimples like nothing else before and my eyes haven’t had a breakout since the Shrek-event (yes it is a record).
So yes I can definitely recommend it and if your skin is as difficult to handle as mine, be patient and mild on it. Don’t compare it to all the pretty faces out there (they do have problems as well you know).

P.S.: I started a new cortisone cure last week due to an extreme flare up (probably after using some not-so-good-but-its-natural cream). I will also definitely write something about the ‘dangers’ of some so-called natural products.

Delbove, beauty, natural, conscious, zero waste Delbove, beauty, natural, conscious, zero waste Delbove, beauty, natural, conscious, zero waste

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