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What without instagram?

Holistic Health

Yup you read it right. What would you do without instagram?
Would you cry? Would you lose your mind?
Would you lose your main income?
Would you save 3 hours a day?

Think about it.

Outfit preview #ootd #doggystyle #fblogger

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I was very late with instagram, in fact too late. Being a newbie in the blogger world I was convinced that I, a very unknown girl with at that time an afwul taste, would eventually get there. (Mind my first Instagram ever above )
Maybe I would/will, maybe not.

Not too much later when I bought my first iPhone, I caved. No filters, no editing and no hashtags was my thing. #allnatural #nofilter. I didn’t see it as a marketing possibility since people accessed my blog in every way except for instagram. Showing my very natural self in daily life was the point. LOL.

Sista's? #regram #gonesurfing #hilfigerclub #polaroid @anouklannoo

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Now, times have changed. I missed a boat, or probably more than one and am probably forever stuck under 10.000 followers.
Yup, to be someone/recognised influencer on instagram 10k is the minimum. How you get there is up to you. And yup, I’m far behind.
– Mind the epic twinning moment above with Anouk who def jumped on the boat. Check it out at Anouk meets fashion!-

Nowadays I do try. I try to post regularly, when I find the time! I try to use the same filter I have to use every time, sadly I always do forget which one it is. I also try to capture my avocado, although I mostly ate it already before finding my phone. And yes I try to actively like and comment but I don’t get any further than using inappropriate emoji’s.

Every other influencer would probably frown upon my not-so-reliable-growth-plan but thank god I got options.

I could take part in comment groups. I could buy myself 1000 followers for less money than some Ben & Jerry’s (okay I know that’s way overpriced). I could ask some like-factory to sponsor me —imagine.
I can do all that.

I could and sometimes I’m convinced I should. I look around, hope no one notices and I think about it.
But then I break out in sweat and just don’t get it.
What does your image mean if it’s build on a fake foundation? What will you get out of it? What is left from your integrity if you cave? Will you get away with it or is it forever traceable? What when the everyone starts reacting?What if there’s some website that tracks your daily following? — Oh yes, there is.—

What when instagram disappeares?
Would you survive?

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